As a medical service provider, we adhere to the same requirements regarding data protection and handling patient information as you. Our aim is to save you time, rather than demand more of it, so we‘ve streamlined the process to be as simple as possible.

You‘ll sign up with us as a client once and read and accept some documents. Doing this doesn‘t mean you commit to working with us in any way. But – once you‘ve signed up, you can easily send us as many cases for review as you‘d like – without ever having to sign or fill out anything ever again.

Currently, we review cases of these aligner manufacturers:

  • Invisalign
  • Spark
  • Angel Aligner
  • Clear Correct

You‘ll be notified immediately via email when we add further aligner manufacturers.


  • 1. Fill out the online registration form below and click “Next“.
  • 2. Take a moment to review and accept the documents.
  • GO! When you have a case you‘d like us to review, simply send us the details via email.


Here‘s an overview of the documents we kindly ask you to accept during your registration:


Simply fill out the fields and click “Next“. On the following pages, please take a moment to review and accept the documents.
If your practice is located within the European Union, but not within Germany, please indicate a valid EU VAT ID to be included in any future invoices.



You are a licensed medical practitioner and perform all relevant orthodontic treatment in accordance with the guidelines and regulations governing your profession. In this regard, TPSOLUTION undertakes to assist you in specific medical and dental technology systems, in particular in the use of specific aligner systems as indicated on our website and the relevant application software (setup software).


Support services for purposes of this agreement include, but are not limited to:

  • On an individual, case-by-case basis, you will specify the scope of support services. The provisions of this Agreement shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event that one or more additional services (for instance, refinements, revisions, mid-course corrections, troubleshooting, etc.) are required.
  • Management of the computer-aided planning process involving dental treatment, following your decision in favor of implementing an aligner system for a specified patient, plus obtaining your approval for coordinating the production process with the aligner manufacturer.
  • Management of correspondence and communication activities with external dental laboratories affiliated to or commissioned by the aligner manufacturer on the one hand and you on the other hand.
  • Processing the setup design taking into account your specific clinical and treatment preferences, efficient application of the above-mentioned medical product/device and fulfilling your planning requirements to achieve the best possible result.

We will promptly notify you of foreseeable difficulties in implementing the orthodontic treatment planning objectives you specified or of other technical obstacles, for instance regarding impressions or scans.


TPSOLUTION is not involved in your practice. We will provide our services independently within the scope of our professional field and without any instructions or directives from you. While executing the order, we will implement our know-how of medical systems and our technical expertise for the application of the software program in compliance with the relevant orthodontic treatment requirements and specifications. We are neither employees nor subordinates of you nor does any relationship exist between you and us by virtue of which it can be construed that we are your employees.


You undertake to obtain the patient’s consent in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for involving us in the treatment planning process, especially for the electronic disclosure of patient’s health information to us, identified by name, in order to fulfil the object of the agreement. The patient’s data will be stored in our systems exclusively for the purpose and duration of the fulfilment of the order.


We will invoice you on a monthly basis for the services provided. The current schedule of prices is enclosed.


The agreement shall enter into force with your first placement of an order to us and shall also apply to all orders placed afterwards. This agreement is concluded for an indefinite period. Either party may terminate this agreement by giving notice of termination in writing.


TPSOLUTION will maintain absolute confidentiality and shall not disclose to third parties any information and/or facts known to us in connection with the implementation of this framework agreement and/or specific orders. In particular, we will maintain absolute confidentiality with respect to work processes and specifics pertaining to your practice and with regard to the health information of your patients. TPSOLUTION employees are obliged to this confidentiality in the same manner and to the same extent.


TPSOLUTION shall be liable for violating the requirements of the dental technician profession as specified under the agreed scope of services set forth in § 2. We will, however, in no way be held liable if the goals of the dental treatment are not achieved or if the treatment result does not satisfy the cosmetic expectations of the patient.


All subsidiary agreements, changes, amendments, additions and legally binding declarations will be communicated to you in writing via email. When you continue to use our services after such a communication, you signal your acceptance of these agreements, changes, amendments, additions and legally binding declarations. No rights and obligations shall arise from any deviation from the provisions of this agreement.

If any of the provisions of this agreement are determined to be or become void, invalid, or unenforceable, then this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions contained herein. The contracting parties hereby agree to replace the invalid or unenforceable provision by such valid and enforceable provision that shall, to the greatest extent possible, be suitable to implement the commercial purpose of the invalid or unenforceable provision in compliance with the statutory regulations governing physicians and hospitals. The same shall also apply if a provision is found to be incomplete or contain a loophole after the conclusion of the agreement.

The provisions set forth under this agreement are a translation of the legally binding German version. In the event of any dispute or ambiguity, the wording of the German language version shall prevail as the legally binding version.



1.1. We collect, process, and use personal data for the purpose of providing services as detailed under Clause 2.1.

1.2. The Agreement is entered into as of the date of your acceptance below and is concluded for an unlimited amount of time. The Agreement can be terminated by either party with four weeks’ notice effective from the end of the month. This does not prejudice the right to termination of the Agreement without notice. Due to the dependency on the Medical Device Agreement, this Agreement will in either case terminate at the same time as the Medical Device Agreement.

1.3. These provisions on commissioned data processing supplement the Medical Device Support Agreement. In the event of a contradiction between these provisions and the Medical Device Support Agreement, these provisions on commissioned data processing prevail.


2.1. We provide you with support in using specific medical and dental technology systems, in particular in using the aligner system you specified earlier in the registration process and the relevant application software (setup software).

2.2. We shall use personal data provided to us only for the fulfillment of the contractually agreed upon services. We may create temporary duplicates and copies, as far as they are necessary to ensure technical and organizational security, and as far as the data is not altered. We may not provide the personal data you handed us to systems of third parties, including for testing purposes, unless the third party is an authorized subcontractor of TPSOLUTION. Furthermore, we may not duplicate or copy personal data without authorization.

2.3. Upon your consent, we are authorized to check individual data records, e.g., customer accounts, for the purpose of support and error-proofing. In the event of finding errors or irregularities during the examination of order results, we will notify you without delay.

2.4. Further details on the extent, nature, and purpose of data collection, processing, and usage are listed under Letter A of the Addendum 1 of this Agreement.

2.5. The different types of personal data are listed under Letter B of the Addendum 1 to this Agreement.

2.6. Data subjects are listed under Letter C of the Addendum 1 to this Agreement.

2.7. Fulfillment of the contractually agreed data processing shall only take place in a member state of the European Union or in another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Any relocation of the data to and any access to the data from a country not party to the European Union or the European Economic Area is subject to your prior written consent and may only take place if there is an appropriate data protection level ensured by compliance with the specific conditions and regulations of Article 44 et sqq. of the GDPR. An appropriate data protection level requires (a) a European Commission adequacy decision, (b) legally binding internal data protection rules, (c) implementation of the standard data protection regulations of the European Union or (d) an authorized code of conduct.


3.1. Taking into account technical progress and further development, implementation costs, the nature, scope, circumstances, and purposes of processing as well as the different probabilities of occurrence and the severity of risk to the rights and freedom of natural persons, we establish appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a protection level appropriate to the risk. Before the commencement of processing, we document the execution of the technical and organizational measures, specifically with regards to detailed fulfillment of the order, in writing or in another way that is suitable to be presented to third parties and will present these documented measures to you upon request.

3.2. The measures stated here shall include, among others, aspects of pseudonymization, encryption, confidentiality, integrity, and resilience of systems and services as well as the availability of data. Additionally, a process for regular testing and assessment of the effectiveness of the technical and organizational measures shall be implemented in order to ensure the security of processing. Should measures prove to be ineffective in ensuring the security of processing while testing and assessing, in particular considering technical progress, we will implement immediate appropriate technical and organizational measures corresponding to Clause 3.1, document this implementation, and provide said documentation upon request.

3.3. We may implement alternative adequate measures, whereby the security level of the stated measures may not be undercut. We will document any substantial changes and provide them to you upon request.


4.1. Only upon your instruction may we rectify, erase or block the usage of data being processed as per the order. Should a data subject contact us directly in order to have his or her data rectified, erased, or blocked from usage, we will immediately inform you of such a request in writing.

4.2. Insofar as the Medical Device Support Agreement does not stipulate otherwise, we will without undue delay ensure the erasure policy, right to be forgotten, data portability, and availability in accordance with documented instructions from you in the sense of Clause 9 of this agreement.


5.1. We will process personal data only upon document request by you.

5.2. We oblige any and all persons authorized to process personal data to confidentiality or ensure their subjection to an appropriate, legally binding confidentiality agreement. We also ensure that they have been familiarized with the data protection provisions relevant to their work prior to starting data processing. Clause 5.1 applies to said persons accordingly.

5.3. Taking into account the nature of processing and the information made available to us, we will make every effort to support you in complying with your obligations concerning the security of processing, reporting requirements for personal data breaches towards supervisory authorities and towards the data subject as well as the data protection impact assessment and any ensuing consultation requirements towards supervisory authorities.

5.4. We are subject to any inspection by the supervisory authorities and shall inform you without undue delay in writing if data deriving from your order is concerned. This also applies insofar as we are under investigation or party to an investigation by a competent authority in connection with infringements to any Civil or Criminal Law, or Administrative Rule or Regulation regarding the processing of personal data. Insofar as you are subject to an inspection by the supervisory authority, an administrative or summary offense or criminal procedure, a liability claim by a data subject or by a third party or any other claim in connection with the data processing by TPSOLUTION, we will make every effort to support you. Support services comprise information procurement and are only rendered if legal and if the effort is reasonable. In particular, we are under no obligation to bear any costs.

5.5. We comply with the relevant rules referring to the appointment of a Data Protection Officer. The Data Protection Officer’s contact details will be provided to you upon request for the purpose of establishing direct communication. In case of a change of the Data Protection Officer, you will be notified in writing without undue delay.

5.6. Insofar the effort involved is reasonable in relation to the desired level of protection, we will fulfill and implement technical and organizational measures and periodically inspect these measures and the internal processes accordingly. We will ensure the technical and organizational measures conducted are verifiable by you.

5.7. We maintain a register of all categories of processing services provided as a result of orders placed by you.

5.8. We will immediately notify you in writing if we have good reason to believe that instructions given by you infringe against German or European data regulation laws.


6.1. You agree in principle to us commissioning carefully selected subcontractors. Any planned change with regards to adding or replacing a subcontractor will be communicated to you at least 14 days in advance. You agree to only object to changes to subcontractors for important reasons.

6.2. In the event of subcontracting, we will make legally binding contractual agreements with the subcontractors for commissioned data processing. The subcontract is to be determined in writing. The contract shall impose on the subcontractor data protection provisions corresponding to the provisions contractually agreed upon between you and us.

6.3. Should the subcontractor not comply with their data protection obligations; we shall be liable to you for compliance of any subcontractor. The general rules regarding the relation between us and subcontractor remain untouched.

6.4. Addendum 2 of this Agreement lists any and all subcontractors of TPSOLUTION at the time of conclusion of this Agreement.

6.5. Sharing your personal data with the subcontractor is only permissible after all preconditions for subcontracting have been met. Should the subcontractor provide their agreed upon services outside of the European Union/European Economic Area, we will take appropriate measures to ensure data protection.

6.6. Subcontractors may only outsource to further subcontractors upon explicit written approval from you.

6.7. For the purpose of this Agreement, subcontracting is not to be understood as meaning services which TPSOLUTION renders from third parties as ancillary services to support the commissioned data processing, such as telecommunication services, postal/transport services, maintenance and user services, cleaning services, testing services or the disposal of data carriers as well as measures to ensure confidentiality, availability, integrity and resilience of the hardware and software of data processing equipment. We are, however, obliged to make appropriate and legally binding contractual agreements and take appropriate inspection measures to ensure the data protection and the data security of your data, even in the case of outsourced ancillary services.


7.1. TPSOLUTION grants you and/or your authorized representatives the right to survey and inspect measures implemented to ensure data protection and data security (inspection right).

7.2. The objective of this inspection right shall be to review whether we meet our obligations within our business operations. Evidence may be provided by on-the-spot checks as well as by reports and certificates issued by independent bodies. If on-the-spot checks are to be carried out, these shall be structured as random sample checks and shall be on principle announced in due time. We will furthermore provide you with all required information. The inspection right shall neither be misused in any way nor shall it be exercised in a manner that unreasonably interferes with business operations. You agree to us appointing independent, third-party auditors if we make available a copy of the audit report. In case of a competitive relationship between the auditor appointed by TPSOLUTION and you, you have the right to object. Costs related to a third-party auditor are to be borne by you. For our support during the execution of an audit, we may claim reasonable remuneration.


8.1. We will notify you immediately in writing in case of reasonable grounds to suspect an infringement of the data protection and data security clauses determined in this Agreement, either by us or by a third party contracted by us. The same applies for infringements of general rules concerning the protection of personal data.

8.2. We will assist you in complying with the obligations concerning the security of personal data, reporting requirements for data breaches, data protection impact assessments, and prior consultations with supervisory authorities.

8.3. We may claim reasonable compensation for support services which are not included in the description of services and which are not attributable to failures on the part of TPSOLUTION. Prior to commissioning third parties to support them in the fulfillment of support services not included in the description of services, we will consult with you with regard to costs arising from such commissioning in order to retain the cost reimbursement claim.


9.1. We will process personal data only upon your request. The request shall be documented in writing or in another way that is suitable to be presented to third parties. This applies especially in the case of submitting personal data to a third country or an international organization. Within the scope of the regulations determined in this Agreement, you retain the right to issue instructions on the nature, extent, and method of data processing by concrete individual directives. Changes to the subject matter of processing and procedural changes are to be mutually consented.

9.2. If we are unable to comply with instructions, we will notify you immediately in writing. In such a case, you will have the right to suspend data transfer and/or to rescind this Agreement and the Medical Device Support Agreement linked to this Agreement.

9.3. You will confirm verbal instructions immediately in writing. TPSOLUTION will have the right to suspend compliance with the relevant instruction until such point that you confirm or adjust said instruction in writing.

9.4. We will immediately inform you if we consider an instruction to be in violation against data protection regulations.


10.1. After the conclusion of the work, or earlier upon your request, or at the termination of this Agreement, we will hand over to you or – subject to prior written consent – destroy all documents, processing and utilization results, and data sets related to the agreement that have come into our possession in a manner compliant to data protection regulations. Data will be deleted and destroyed completely and in accordance with recognized, state-of-the-art technical measures for multi-pass overwriting of data. The same applies to any and all connected test, waste, redundant, and discarded material, which shall be stored in compliance with data protection regulations until deletion or return. Upon request, the log of the destruction or a copy of said log shall be provided to you.

10.2. Data deletion and destruction will not be executed insofar and as long as we are in need of this data for our own legitimate purposes, especially to demonstrate orderly data processing in accordance with the Agreement (e.g., invoicing you), or insofar and as long as we are legally or by administrative orders obliged to store the data.




Management of computer-aided planning processes involving digital treatment planning up to your approval of that plan towards the aligner manufacturer. Management of correspondence and communication with external dental laboratories affiliated to or commissioned by the aligner manufacturer on the one hand and you on the other hand. Processing the setup design taking into account your specific clinical and treatment preferences, efficient application of the above-mentioned medical product/device and fulfilling your planning requirements to achieve the best possible result.

On an individual, case-by-case basis, you will specify the scope of support services.


Name, Surname, Photographs, Radiographs, Date of birth, and email address of the patient, treatment plan and development.


Patients who undergo such treatment.


Currently, we do not make use of any subcontractors.

*Mandatory fields


You don’t have to just take our word for it when we say: We love and live digital treatment planning. See here what orthodontists have to say about our treatment planning.

“TP SOLUTION is one-of-a-kind when it comes to digital aligner treatment
setup. The technique is based on science and experience and I am always
impressed by the technique and work ethics. I highly recommend it.”

Dr Sam Daher, Orthodontist, Vancouver, Canada

“Brilliant interdisciplinary exchange! TP SOLUTION
always develops perfect predictable results – TOP SERVICE!”

Dr Udo Windsheimer, Orthodontist, Crailsheim

“Outstanding service and very intelligently planned aligner treatments.
Thank you very much for the collaboration!”

Dr Dieter Brothag, Orthodontist, Miesbach, Germany

“Ever since I began working with TP SOLUTION, I’ve been treating
highly complex Invisalign® cases. The clinical results have improved
and the refinement rate has dropped significantly.”

Dr Michèle Fuchs, Orthodontist, Ludwigsburg

Maria Zaitova - tpacademy expert for TPS

”Very informative and well-presented lectures. The handbook provided is concise and will be very useful going forward with my further treatment plannings.“

Dr Julia Mangan, Galway, Ireland

“An honest training that clearly illustrates possibilities as well as challenges of aligner treatments. Since the training, my treatment plan reviews have been significantly more efficient and my treatments much more successful.”

Dr Marc Schätzle, Orthodontist, Lucerne, Switzerland

tpacademy - Aligner Treatment Planning TPS Schulung

“The first and only course that managed to provide us with a practical and wellstructured manual on how to review ClinCheck® plans. Every Invisalign® provider should attend the training sessions offered by TP SOLUTION.”

Dr Winterscheidt, Orthodontist, Munich, Germany

“We developed a great partnership with TP SOLUTION and appreciate their excellent ClinCheck® review and planning. Keep calm and work with TP SOLUTION!”

Prof. Gersdorff, Orthodontist, Braunschweig, Germany

“TP SOLUTION offers great support in digital aligner treatment planning.
The company is our perfect digital assistant for the future. Top professional team!”

Dr Alain Souchet, Orthodontist, Mulhouse, France


Einfach das Anmeldeformular ausfüllen und loslegen – Behandlungsplanung war noch nie so einfach und so sicher.


* indicates required